Lots of people buying a tantric massage discover that it's complicated to see therefore many sites showing when they Bing for the definition of 'Tantric Massage' - and that several sites are not that different from escort sites... with pictures of naked or nude girls who must oftimes be in Playboy Magazine.
It would appear that several pretty girls and agencies who've decided to market themselves as tantric masseuses are benefiting from the fact that there is no real qualification for tantric massage - because in truth, tantric massage is itself a misnomer, and tantra has nothing regarding massage anyway. But they might genuinely believe that utilising the expression 'tantric' will somehow cause them to become sound more 'legitimate.' They put about phrases like 'chakras', 'kundalini' etc. having an clear lack of comprehension of what they're talking about. One of many newest fads I have observed is 'tantric bondage' - the mind truly boggles. I have nothing against anyone performing whatsoever turns them on, but to brand these activities as 'tantric' is really a joke.
I have not been a great fan of Osho, but he did write well and this is a estimate from one of his articles, which is very ideal: There's a fundamental fallacy that humans belong to: they discover a tiny masajes tantricos en lima reality and rather than discover the entire, the residual portion, they envision to fill up the gap... they are able to control to make a program, but the residual portion is merely their invention... sexual energy... should be developed into larger forms. It is a truth. But what happened is they never gone very serious into meditation; meditation remained just secondary. And man's sexuality reveals itself therefore powerfully that in the name of tantra it turned only sexual orgy.
Without meditation that was going to happen. Meditation must have been the most primary issue since that will probably change the power, but that turned secondary. And lots of people who have been sexually... repressed, joined the tantra school. They certainly were the people who brought all their perversions and all their repressions.
They certainly were perhaps not interested in any change, these were involved only in eliminating their repressions; their curiosity was essentially sexual... unless meditation movements into first position, it will generally happen that in tantra people is going to be performing a myriad of perversions... and with a great name, they'll perhaps not experience that they're performing anything inappropriate; they'll experience they're performing anything religious, anything spiritual... that's what many of the counselors are doing... And the so-called counselors enjoy the cash they bring. They've nothing to lose, they only allow freedom... First people should be presented to meditation and then they should be presented to tantra methods. This is not tantra. Tantra practices are entirely different. These people who are performing tantra, they don't know anything about tantra.