Many people buying tantric massage discover that it is puzzling to see so many sites showing when they Google for the definition of 'Tantric Massage' - and that a number of these websites are not that distinctive from escort sites... with photos of nude or nude beauties who must probably be in Playboy Magazine.
It appears that a number of these pretty young girls and agencies who've decided to market themselves as tantric masseuses are benefiting from the fact that there is no actual qualification for tantric massage - because in truth, tantric massage is it self a misnomer, and tantra has nothing masajes tantricos regarding massage anyway. But they may genuinely believe that using the expression 'tantric' can somehow cause them to become sound more 'legitimate.' They place about terms like 'chakras', 'kundalini' etc. having an obvious insufficient knowledge of what they're speaking about. One of the latest fads I have seen is 'tantric bondage' - the mind truly boggles. I've nothing against anyone doing whatever converts them on, but to label these activities as 'tantric' is truly a joke.
I have not been a good lover of Osho, but he did write effectively and this is a estimate from one of is own posts, that is very ideal: There's a simple fallacy that human beings belong to: they discover a small truth and as opposed to learn the entire, the rest of the portion, they envision to refill the gap... they are able to handle to make a process, but the rest of the portion is just their invention... sexual energy... must be changed into larger forms. It is a truth. But what occurred is they never went very heavy into meditation; meditation kept only secondary. And man's sex reveals it self so powerfully that in the title of tantra it turned merely sexual orgy.
Without meditation that was going to happen. Meditation must have now been the absolute most major thing because that is going to transform the energy, but that turned secondary. And many individuals who were sexually... repressed, joined the tantra school. They were the folks who produced all their perversions and all their repressions.
These were maybe not interested in any transformation, they were interested only in removing their repressions; their curiosity was ostensibly sexual... until meditation techniques into first place, it will always occur that in tantra people will be doing all kinds of perversions... and with a good title, they will maybe not sense that they are doing anything wrong; they will sense they're doing something religious, something spiritual... that's what many of the practitioners are doing... And the alleged practitioners appreciate the cash they bring. They've nothing to reduce, they only let freedom... First people must be introduced to meditation and then they must be introduced to tantra methods. This is simply not tantra. Tantra methods are absolutely different. These folks who are doing tantra, they don't know anything about tantra.